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Home The hepatotrophic influence and handling of EBV, Toxocara and Erlichia

The hepatotrophic influence and handling of EBV, Toxocara and Erlichia

Liver diseases are among the most common causes of death. They only show obvious signs or symptoms when they are far advanced and the liver is already severely damaged. The liver is the second-largest organ and performs more than 5000 different bodily functions (e.g., blood clotting, etc.).

The systemic blood circulation plays an important role in the liver’s defense against invasive microorganisms. The effects of microbial pathogens on the liver can vary and manifest in different ways (e.g., asymptomatic elevation of aminotransferases, acute liver failure, liver fibrosis, liver cirrhosis, (pseudo) tumors).

(OM & Nutrition 2023 / Special Issue No. 29)

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