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Home Sequence

1. Compile your symptoms

Please compile your symptoms to facilitate easier and faster communication. Feel free to use my checklists for this purpose and feel free to email them to me before your appointment.

2. Schedule an appointment

Arrange an appointment on the Medical Services page. Send questionnaires, previous findings, and other important medical reports.

3. Initial consultation

Now it's time for your (first) consultation. I will extensively review your medical history, current status, and at the end, I will provide you with my recommendations, proposed solutions, and/or suggestions for tests you can/should undergo.

4. Receiving reports and finding

You will now, if necessary, contact relevant doctors and/or laboratories. I can also provide recommendations; in some cases, if you may need to send samples by mail. In the end, you will receive a report.

5. Follow-up the consultation and therapy recommendation

Upon receiving the reports and supplementary findings, you can schedule another appointment. This is your time to receive explanations regarding the findings, reports, your anamnesis and discuss possible treatment recommendations.

6. Follow-up the examinations, further appointments

Typically, follow-up of the examinations are required after 4-8 weeks. If you prefer another remote consultation, I can also discuss follow-up topics over the phone. All further appointments can be arranged based on personal agreement.


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